Monday, November 22, 2010

Moz, 2010

ok so small update, i reworked the positioning of one of the joints so the leg lengths are perfectly symmetrical and I have done some first pass sculpting of the fabric folds and details. the gaping holes for the hip joints are not the best look but it gives a huge amount of movement. I also started to flesh out the torso, there is a shit load of work to be done on that

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Moz, 2010

So these images are of the second layer of sculpey on the lower half of the body.  I made some
adjustments to the joints of the hips, namely making them double instead of single jointed, it made for a much more realistic leg placement and the lack of movement in the knee wasn't a problem.

I also made a huge ball joint for the waist as I wanted to get rotation and a small amount of movement.  The joint is made from the lid of some cheap horrible girls deodorant, thanks Chickenfeed!

More bulk is needed for the thighs, and I haven't even begun to bulk out the upper body yet.

Moz, 2010

Ok so it has been almost a month since my last post and just to prove that I haven't been sitting around living the high life here are some photos of what I am up to at the moment.  It is in fact an action figure that I am making from scratch.  Originally it was going to be one of R. Crumb but a friend requested one of Morrissey, so with a few minor adjustments I have complied.
The first image is of plastic ball joints that i ordered from Japan and they are joined together with first aid plaster, the only tape like substance i could find around the house but actually proved to be completely awesome as it is quite sticky and durable.

To ensure it would all stay in one piece under some stress I bound the joints and plaster with wire. That really did the trick until I discovered that I had made multiple errors and and I hd to pull the whole thing apart.
le sigh.
So the following images are of the initial layer of sculpey, basically just to flesh out the form as well as strenthening the structure.

The last pic is of the shoes just to prove that I am not a complete mentaler and the finished result will look like more than blobs of clay on wires